Unless you’ve been under a rock the past few weeks, you and many across the globe have been scratching their head as to how an entire airplane fell totally off the radar and is nowhere to be found.
The details of incident are so fuzzy that news outlets and authorities around the world call it:“A Total Mystery.”
Malaysian authorities examined new radar data from Thailand that could potentially give clues on how to retrace the course of the plane that vanished early March 8 with 239 people aboard en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
But just like this sad Malaysian Airlines situation is a total “mystery”, sometimes the process of purchasing or even selling used heavy equipment can be a “mystery” as to what to do, how much to pay and where to get the best deal.
Expert Heavy Equipment removes the mystery concerning the buying or selling used heavy construction equipment, farm equipment and commercial vehicles.
Here’s what we mean: Because registration is not required for construction or agricultural equipment, theft is a serious problem. We are one of the only resellers that has created a partnership with law enforcement to provide our customers with the added value of cross referencing each piece of equipment we buy against the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database.
But it doesn’t stop there: For sellers we make the process painless and turn-key.
Expert Heavy Equipment eliminates the risk for sellers and buyers alike by supply real pricing data that demonstrate the fair market value of their equipment.
This benefits the seller so they will have a better understanding how to properly price their machine to ensure a sale. In addition, it benefits the buyer by ensuring they will not over-pay on a purchase.
What this means is that: Whether you’re buying or selling used heavy equipment, with Expert Heavy Equipment is on your side and there’s absolutely NO mystery.